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How To Bring Text-Based Communication To Your School

Ever Wonder Why Schools Don't Tend To Embrace Branded Methodologies?  The answer actually makes sense...

Ever Wonder Why Schools Don't Tend To Embrace Branded Methodologies?

The answer actually makes sense...

Here's Why Schools Don't Tend To Embrace Branded Methodologies...

  • IEPs are written to document the specific needs of a student and describe the supports they need to participate in their school settings.

  • If a school lists a specific branded program or method in an IEP, it becomes a legal requirement.

  • IEPs follow a student. If a student moves to a new school, there is no guarantee that the new school has been trained in that specific practice.

  • Therefore, schools can document descriptions of what the student requires, but not a specific brand name.

What requests are more successful in schools?

Instead of naming a specific reading intervention, schools might say...

  • Student requires a multi-sensory approach to phonics to improve decoding and fluency skills

  • Student requires a research-based intervention focusing on sight-word acquisition

  • Student requires a comprehensive reading intervention to target comprehension

Instead of naming a specific math intervention, schools might say...

  • Student requires a structured approach to basic fact acquisition using expanded trials

  • Student requires a multi-sensory intervention targeting number operations and base ten understanding

Instead of naming a specific communication methodology, schools might say...

  • Student requires access to text-based multimodal communication supports

  • Student requires a support person trained to support text-based multimodal AAC as well as regulation needs

The Communication For Education course focuses on best practices, not a methodology.

  • Our course addresses core competencies for educators and related professionals who support non-speaking autistic individuals.

  • We foster understanding of presumption of competence, apraxia, emotional and physical regulation strategies, and varied text-based communication strategies - all of which can be documented in an IEP.



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