Communication for Education Individual Scholarship Application
sponsored by REV AccessAbility (Reach Every Voice)
Since 2023, we have been able to offer more than $30,000 in grants and scholarships to individuals and school teams thanks to generous funding from the Autism and Communication Center at California Lutheran University, REV AccessAbility, and the Eugene B. Casey Foundation.
We are committed to continued efforts to make our training more accessible for educators and parents.
Spring 2024 scholarship applications are now open!
REV AccessAbility (Reach Every Voice) is thrilled to be able to offer a limited number of partial scholarships for individual participants in Communication for Education's Spring training classes.
Each scholarship will cover $225 of the course fees, bringing the participant cost to $500.
While past scholarships were awarded based on specific criteria, these scholarships will be offered on a first come, first served basis this session.
When your application is submitted, you will immediately be emailed a code to use when registering for the course.
Our funds limit us to offering 12 scholarships.

Training consists of:
watching assigned recorded modules prior to attending weekly one-hour live online classes;
participating in an online discussion group with assignments that allow participants to apply skills learned that week;
submitting one video per participant for instructor feedback
Participants must commit to attending live classes for 8 weeks on Tuesdays at 8pm eastern beginning on April 23.
All participants will complete pre- and post-course surveys and write a post-course impact statement outlining how the course has impacted their communication support practices.
Recorded content is released the week of April 16 and live classes begin the following week on April 23. Classes meet for one hour each week for 8 consecutive weeks.